Priest Say at a Wedding

A wedding is a religious or civil ceremony that celebrates the union of two people. In a Catholic wedding ceremony, the priest plays a very important role. He presides over the sacrament of marriage, which is the basis of the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage. 

What does the priest say at a wedding? The priest serves as a witness to the exchange of vows between the bride and groom and pronounces them husband and wife. He also gives a homily, or sermon, during the ceremony. The homily is usually about God’s love and how that should be reflected in the couple’s relationship. 

Finally, the priest blesses the couple at the end of the ceremony. This blessing is a sign of God’s grace and blessing on their marriage. It is also a reminder to the couple that they are now married in the eyes of God and are called to live out their lives together as faithful Christians. 

The Priest’s Role in a Wedding Ceremony

“We are assembled here today in the presence of God and these viewers to join together this man and this woman in sacred marriage…” 

“Marriage is one of the seven sacraments of our faith. It is a sacred covenant between a man and woman who promise to love each other for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does them part…” 

Priest Say at a Wedding

“This sacrament is an intimate partnership of life and love between a man and woman which speaks of family values and permanence…” 

“I ask you now to vow your loyalty to each other from this day forward…” 

“Do you [groom/bride] take [bride/groom] to be your wedded life partner…? Do you pledge to love her/him, soothe her/him, honor her/him, and support them in illness and in soundness, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, until death does you part…?”  

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” 

Blessing: ” may Almighty God bless you both; may he enlighten your hearts so that you may know what his will is; may he strengthen your wills so that you may do what his will is; may he grant you peace so that nothing will hinder you’re doing what is good; through Christ our Lord.” -Catholic Wedding Ceremony Prayer Book 

Remember, the priest plays an important role in a Catholic wedding ceremony. Not only does he serve as a witness to the exchange of vows, but he also gives a homily and blesses the couple at the end of the ceremony. Whether you are planning a Catholic wedding or another type of religious wedding ceremony, it is important to understand the roles and responsibilities of your officiant and other important members of your wedding party. If you have any questions about the role of a priest or other members of your church or community, be sure to speak with your clergy or wedding planner for guidance.

In the end

The priest plays a very important role in a Catholic wedding ceremony. He presides over the sacrament of marriage, witnesses the exchange of vows between the bride and groom, gives a homily during the ceremony, and blesses the couple at the end of the ceremony. All of these elements work together to create a beautiful and sacred moment for couples who are embarking on this new chapter in their lives.

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